Wednesday, February 16, 2005


tomorrow will be my tenth interview so far...yeah....i'm tired! anyway....the first two rejections rolled in up in NYC and Womble in ATL....i figure by doing ten interviews i can play the odds...and land at least one job...maybe not....

so then being the Type A personality that i am...i stay up until the wee hours over analyzing the situation...what could it be? i wasn't enthusiastic enough...that handshake wasn't too firm...or maybe it was wayyyy too firm....this moves on to....they're racist...yeah that's firms in ATL still can't dig the brown man...but then reality sets in - i just didn't cut it...try again...better luck next time.

well...try i will...i gotta do something productive this goal is not to get a single loan thru law far i'm doing fine by living off of my savings from the past few years...but when you don't have a steady paycheck...the bank balance doesn't stay in the black for too long...hopefully i'll land something....

tomorrow is my callback interview with nelson mullins...i hope i do well cuz they're a great firm...wish me luck...

other than that...not much else going on...came home today...saw mom and just chilled with her for a while...then ironed my suit and got my things ready for tomorrow...can't believe i forgot my portfolio in i'm gonna have to go to o'max and buy a new one (maybe i can return it after the interview...hahaha...)...after that...perhaps shop for a new suit - then again do i need another one if i don't make it past the first interview!! ok ok...stop being a pessimist....and gotta work on my brief and stuff...

so...the next few weeks are gonna be hell....i'm gonna pray to saraswati (Indian Godess of Education) to send a few callbacks my way...till then...laterz.


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