Monday, September 25, 2006

Fast Food Nation

i've started reading fast food nation after it caught my eye at a bookstore in london...i dropped in that london bit just to show you how much of a world-traveler-snob i am...haha...anyway - it has some interesting stats that i wanted to mention...i'll post periodically with new factoids and such so that you lame-o's don't have to read the whole book...these facts are all based on the book and are dated as of 2001

Americans spend more on fast than on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music - combined.

1 in 8 workers in the US has been employed by McDonald's at some point in their life (i'm still waiting for my chance)

McD hires more than any public or private employer - 1mil+

McD earns more money from the rent its charges for its restaurants - not from the food itself (hmm...what kind of food has no profit margin)

McD is the nation's largest purchaser of potatoes, beef, and pork; second for chicken

the only group that earns less than restaurant workers are migrant farm workers

The US has more prison inmates than full-time farmers

more to come later...


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