a bit bored...so thought i'd mention some interesting things from the weekend....lets see - my brother was visiting and so i went home this weekend...we had some people over and mom and i became a pizza factory...i was tired by the end - scrap the idea of working in a pizza place before i start working as a lawyer..hah...can't stand the oven heat blast....saturday i was supposed to go see hema play soccer...but it was not meant to be - my car started hiccuping (is that a word) and stalled on me a couple times...i got back home and had a DIY project ready for me...rubber boot from the mass airflow meter was cracked...air filter was dirty...and my neighbor told me it could be the fuel filter too...so i borrowed his car (and his kids) and went off to the BMW dealership...i let them check out the new Z4 M Coupe while I got robbed - $45 for a stupid rubber tube...then i spent the rest of the afternoon fixing the car...seems to be working fine now...but who knows...she's temperamental...
today my room-mate told me that our stupid noisy neighbors woke him up last night at 3:30AM...except this time their patio conversation was about coke and how they got a bad batch of it...with this tid-bit of information, goose promptly told them to take their asses inside...i think they'll refrain from being too loud lest we mention their convo to the cops...weirdos...some of their other convos are down right gross...ask goose
what else - i had some celery soda today for the first time...interesting...i don't think i'll have it again...it was kinda like cold soup in a can...i dunno...i also bought this big plantain at the farmer's market...gotta do something cool with that...
thats about it...eventful weekend...back in athens now...dawgs won again - just barely...falcons won too - nothing to gloat about either...
anyhoo laterz...
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